I'm Shikhar Jaiswal

a Senior Backend Developer

a Data Scientist

a Software Developer

a Proud Indian

an IITian

Senior Software Engineer@ ShareChat | Data Scientist@ Samsung | CSE@ IIT Ropar


What I'm all about.

Shikhar Jaiswal is a geek at heart, deeply passionate about programming. His insatiable curiosity drives him to constantly explore the latest in technology, and his enthusiasm towards work is evident in every project he undertakes. Shikhar possesses a soft demeanor and an adaptable nature, making him a pleasure to work with. A positive thinker and a self-motivated individual, Shikhar embraces challenges with a can-do attitude. He is currently on the path to becoming a Data Scientist, dedicating his efforts to mastering NLP-related technologies. In addition to his data science pursuits, Shikhar is exploring his path in the Backend domain. His experience includes working with systems at scale, showcasing his ability to handle complex technical challenges. Beyond his personal growth, Shikhar finds joy in sharing his knowledge with others, contributing to the collaborative spirit of the tech community.

  • Full NameShikhar Jaiswal
  • Birthday17th-June
  • Email2015csb1116@iitrpr.ac.in, shikherjaiswal@gmail.com
  • Phone/whatsApp+91-9779995466


I'm ready to learn.

  • Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar

    2015 - 2019

    Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.)

    Computer Science and Engineering(CSE), 7.27 CGPA

  • St. Basil School

    Class of 2014

    Intermediate, Science with Mathematics, 90.80%

    95% marks in Physics + Chemistry + Maths + Computer

  • St. Basil School

    Class of 2012

    High School, 84.29%

    99% marks in Computer Science


  • Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar

    2015 - 2019

    Coordinator of Zenith-Astronomy Club at IIT Ropar for a year.

    Part of the Runner-up team in Inter-year Basketball team organized by Board of sports activities, IIT Ropar.

    Represented IIT Ropar in Astronomy competition in Inter-IIT Tech Meet’18

  • St. Basil School

    2005 - 2014

    Won 1st prize in Carrom singles

    Won full attendance certificate, 2 times


Get in touch!

  • LocationBasti (U.P)
    Pincode: 272002
  • Hire meHire me
  • Emailshikherjaiswal@gmail.com